Transport Monitoring

Shockwatch 2

The Shockwatch 2 is a mechanical shock indicator for versatile use and weights up to 14 tons. The Shockwatch 2, an advanced generation of shock indicators that offers a number of advantages.

The monitoring of packages with the new generation Shockwatch 2 is possible with weights up to 14 tons. Another advantage of the ShockWatch 2 is the activation of the indicator. Compared to the Shockwatch Label, which is always active, the ShockWatch 2 only needs to be activated before it is attached to the package.

The Shockwatch 2 are self-adhesive and are activated by peeling off the back (protective film). This allows easy and uncomplicated transport to the site of operation without indicators having already triggered.

The triggering behavior of the Shockwatch 2 primarily applies to the vertical impact axis. Triggering takes place in the shock angle range between 45° and 90° to the ground. The device must be mounted in such a way that both indicator windows are at the top and bottom respectively.

Another advantage of the Shockwatch 2 is the clearly visible serial number, which prevents the indicator from being replaced and thus prevents attempts at tampering. Therefore, it is recommended to register the serial number in the shipping documents and records. These lead to the clear visibility of the indicator on the package and inform all persons involved in German, English and French about a further procedure in case of a triggered indicator.

How does the Shockwatch 2 behave?

When the ShockWatch 2 is attached, these are triggered by vertical (perpendicular) impacts. The window facing the direction of impact turns red.

Bottom window red = push from below

Upper window red = push from above

The ShockWatch 2 indicator is available in the following strengths:

5g, 10g, 15g, 25g, 37g, 50g, 75g

Monitor your goods with the new ShockWatch 2!

Contact: VTT AG, 4132 Muttenz - 061 717 98 98


VTT Industriebedarf GmbH

Amelia-Earhart-Str. 12
77933 Lahr

Tel +49 7821 940 40