Dangerous goods Packaging
Packaging Service
Dangerous goods packaging
Goods that pose an immediate danger to humans, animals and the environment are dangerous goods. As an expert in dangerous goods packaging, VTT offers a comprehensive packaging service. This service includes, among other things, the IMO Declaration for Dangerous Goods or Shipper's Declaration for Dangerous Goods documents, as well as the 24-hour emergency number.In House, safely and professionally packed, 20 boxes of dangerous goods (see picture) are leaving the VTT warehouse in Muttenz. All boxes are provided with the necessary dangerous goods labels and markings. We offer the packaging service in house or at your premises.
We produce transport packaging for air, sea and road transportation, especially for your specific requirements. With the carefree package of the VTT packaging service, your valuable goods arrive safely at their destination.
Hardstrasse 47
4132 Muttenz
4132 Muttenz
VTT Industriebedarf GmbH
Amelia-Earhart-Str. 12
77933 Lahr
Tel +49 7821 940 40