VTT Group
Data loggers & indicators
Leave nothing to chance, go on safe and monitor your shipments with our products, simple and reliable.
Transport Indicators
Omni G: Multi-way shock indicator
Is attached to the test or shipping item and, when triggered, indicates a shock above the selected g-value in the X-Y or Z-axis. Can be reactivated with tweezers.
Protect-A-Pak: Disposable shock indicator
Is attached to the goods to be shipped or to the outer packaging by means of a plastic flange. In the event of force effects
above the selected g-value in the X-Y- or Z-axis the balls will be released.
Shockwatch: Disposable shock indicator
Attached to the outside of the packaging. If the indicator changes color, it indicates a clear disregard of the shipping instructions and possible transport damage.
Data Loggers
Monilog: Data logger
Exact location, worldwide transport control with GPS receiver, measurement and storage of mechanical shocks, temperature, humidity, inclination, pressure and other measured variables. Programming and evaluation of the data via PC.
G-Log 2
The G-Log 2 records vibrations, impacts and climate data. It contains a 3-axis acceleration sensor as well as a temperature and humidity sensor.
The sensor stores acceleration values that exceed a defined threshold and shock duration.
threshold value and shock duration. The recording of climate values can be permanent
and / or only when the values exceed or fall below the threshold.
The sensor can be used again and again for different transports.
Reusable permanent recorders for the exact measurement of temperature (-40°to +60°) and shock events (X-Y-Z axis) up to 100 G Readout with simple Windows based software. User-defined alarm setting for exceeding the max. / min. values. Excellent price/performance ratio available in three versions.
4132 Muttenz
VTT Industriebedarf GmbH
Amelia-Earhart-Str. 12
77933 Lahr
Tel +49 7821 940 40